CERIecon Playpark Rijeka
STEP RI, Radmile Matejčić 10,
51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Area (m2)
65 m2
Weekly calendar
The weekly cycle consists of 2 workshops per week (one workshop lasts for 3h which is 6h in total per week) with the following week of mentorship/one-on-one consultations per team (consultation lasts 1-2h per team, which is 12h+ per week). Schedule flow on a monthly basis looks like this: workshops week – mentorship week – workshops week – mentorship week etc.
Monthly calendar
Monthly cycle consists of 4-5 lectures (12-15h in total) + 2 one-on-one consultations per team (in total 24h+ of consultations). In the meantime, we communicate formally with our Playparkees via email/phone and in person regarding workshops’ materials and topics, preparation for mentoring & consultation hours etc. Also, we share interesting and useful information regarding various conferences for pitching contest opportunities and to arrange unformal networking events.
Opening hours per week
Unlimited access 24/7
(There is one key per team for entering the building and an access card for entering the coworking space; we can monitor the usage of coworking space by Access Control online tool.)
Number of staff
Regional Playpark’s focus
Few needs of our start-ups: workplace, professional business consultations, knowledge regarding: prototype development, business model, marketing development, market entrance and market positioning.
Our aim for the next six months is to fully support all 12 teams in their business ideas development through coworking space, workshops and mentoring. Having consultation hours following workshops weeks brings the opportunity to discuss more often about their issues, needs and other important topics. Being actively present in their business development process gives us all a valuable insight of both programme and their project ideas progress.
Needs of the start-ups brought into the training programme
Our young participants are showing great motivation and potential business opportunities. Nevertheless, it emerged the necessity to develop personal skills and competencies in entrepreneurship. Moreover, it is important to detect the feasibility and opportunities regarding the ideas presented by the participants, with special regards to the international perspective.
Structure/programme provided to the start-ups within the six months training
Within a six months programme of 2nd cohort, there are 5 weeks of workshops and 5 weeks of consultation hours. Workshops topics are following: Customer Problem and Profile, Value Proposition Canvas & Competitors, Business Model Canvas, Business Costs & Financing, Market research and Business Planning, Starting a Business (Legal Framework and Bookkeeping System) and Pitching deck.
Mentoring and consultation hours are provided by our 3 mentors, each specialized in a different segment of business development. Depending on a case, a team might be advised to get in touch with some of our contacts, external associates and professionals in specific business segments, to seek further information, help and/or cooperation.
During exchanges, our teams are given valuable networking opportunity as well as additional workshops.
After exchanges, there are two months (July and August) of one-on-one mentoring where teams can seek out consultations hours with Playpark mentors. By mid-August and after the xChange tool results, mentors will decide on the finalists and start to work with them for the Finals pitch presentation. After the 2nd cohort training & mentoring program, participants have the opportunity to attend again needed lectures for free. Playpark Rijeka will continue supporting 2nd cohort teams by providing consultations for free regarding their further idea/business development until the end of a CERIecon project lifetime.