CERIecon Playpark Verona
ENAIP VENETO - via Bencivenga - Biondani, 1
1, 37133 Verona
Area (m2)
34 m2
Weekly calendar
Playpark Veneto has scheduled 2 meetings per week.
Monthly calendar
Playpark Veneto has scheduled several monthly meetings
Opening hours per week
The Playpark is open to the participants from Monday to Friday (9 AM – 5 PM).
Number of staff
The Verona Playpark has 4 staff members. Each member works every day from 9 AM till 5 PM.
Regional Playpark’s focus
Playpark Veneto stays tied to the regional RIS3, being creative industries, Smart manufacturing, Sustainable living and Agrifood.
Needs of the start-ups brought into the training programme
Our young participants are showing great motivation and potential business opportunities. Nevertheless, it emerged the necessity to develop personal skills and competencies in entrepreneurship. Moreover, it is important to detect the feasibility and opportunities regarding the ideas presented by the participants, with special regards to the international perspective.
Structure/programme provided to the start-ups within the six months training
Playpark Veneto will tailor for each participant the provision of additional help during the development of the activities, according to the requests and needs that will emerge in the next meetings.